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  • Writer's pictureAmericanBloodDiamond

The Truth

I was told a lie.

I was told I could be whomever I wanted to be.


I chose to be a truth sayer, an honest liver, a living testimony.

then i was, don't be that! don't be that.


The truth became became everything i could no longer avoid.

I had no idea how to not be.

I had no idea how to wasn't possible. the in all power became infectious.

no one could hide my one could shut me out the thoughts of their mind.

what power the son provides to the world to be energized?

the son reigned down on me from heaven

and from the rays of truth and light...i blossomed through the storm rains seeking to wash out my line of sight

the son...still existing...never shutting down for a second...through the heat he ignites the fire to my side, through the cold he warms... being the cover to protect me...the son never fails...never.

if you're wondering how i made it...tell them by the grace...the grace of God.

John 1:1

Queen 3 sees.

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